
Fallout 4 launcher mod
Fallout 4 launcher mod

  • Rivens Vendor (place to get Cat Ears and Cat Tail).
  • Chem Re-balance (Chems now have changed effects and have changed addiction rates).
  • Changed house item cost (Duh, RAR format).
  • fallout 4 launcher mod

  • BOS Power Armor (textures changed on BOS PA).
  • fallout 4 launcher mod

  • Bodies Stay (named corpses stay forever).
  • Better Brahmin loot (more steak, skulls, and skin outfit).
  • 10.3 Fallout 2161 - Fallout Total Conversion Mod.
  • 9.6 Car Fort City! Gamesave by Daydreamdirty.
  • 7.5 19th, 20th, and 21st Century Weapons Mod.
  • 6.2 Plasma Weapon Kill Effect Optimized.

  • Fallout 4 launcher mod